Journey of a Hand-Knotted Rug

Journey of a Hand-Knotted Rug

The Journey of Our Hand-knotted Rugs The semi-annual rug event at Saybrook Home is continuously our most anticipated event. For one week only hundreds of rugs are transported to our showroom for cu...

New to Our Outdoor Collections: Ipe Wood!

New to Our Outdoor Collections: Ipe Wood!

In the realm of outdoor furniture, few materials rival the allure and durability of Ipe wood. Renowned for its exceptional strength, natural beauty and resistance to the elements, Ipe wood is quic...

Fabulous Footboard Styling

Fabulous Footboard Styling

What you put at the end of your bed is just as important as what you put on top of it, according to our design team here at Saybrook Home. In fact, with the right furniture and accessories, you can...

Lee Tailor Made Bed

Lee Tailor Made Bed

A bed is more than just a piece of furniture; it's a sanctuary where we retreat after a long day. At Saybrook Home, we’re fortunate to work with manufacturers like Lee Industries who have made desi...

A Cozy Guest Bedroom

A Cozy Guest Bedroom

There’s no better way to hone your hospitality skills than to create a welcoming, cozy guest bedroom to host out-of-town visitors. Sure, air mattresses have come a long way, but nothing beats the f...

Styling Your Bed Like a Designer

Styling Your Bed Like a Designer

Let’s be honest, making the bed every day can seem like a chore. But how amazing is the feeling of walking into your room after a long day and finding a neat and tidy bed ready to fall into? I know...